Many of us struggle with this side effect. A couple of years ago I had a discussion about neuropathy with my primary care doctor and was surprised that he sent me in the same treatment direction as someone with diabetes. He gave me a prescription for it supported me for a couple of years and I could tell the difference when I stopped taking it. Eventually, I had to look into other options as the Mentax became to costly. I researched an alternative option and found a product called NERVE Shield by REDD REMEDIES. I have found this product to be just as supportive if not better. I would definitely recommend either of these options. If you do find you would like to try these products then please contact me and let me know if you have the same benefits. It’s like doing our own clinical trial here! BTW… I did not ice my hands and feet during IV infusions. Chemo’s I had were AC/Taxol and Doxil, Avastin, and still on Afinitor and a failed clinical trial of 2 different types of chemo’s that were defined by #’s… Below is the link for Nerve Shield.