2019 SABCS San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium

2019 SABCS San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium

2019 SABCS : Metaplastic Breast Cancer Global Alliance

San Antonio, TX : December 10-14, 2019

Meeting for San Antonia Breast Cancer Symposium

San Antonio, TX : December 10-14,  2019

The Metaplastic Breast Cancer Global Alliance was accepted to exhibit at our first SABCS Symposium. We were well represented and maintained a busy booth. Many professionals are interested in learning more about us and Metaplastic breast cancer. Every conference we attend offers us valuable time to collaborate and share information. Jim Harvey Sy met an oncologist from Saudi Arabia that successfully treated a metaplastic patient that had a complete response with this immunotherapy protocol : https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31690713/
We were able to share our Diagnosed Member Map at our Booth from a LapTop and some Group Member Polls that we felt were valuable.
metaplastic breast cancer global alliance member map
convention poster metaplastic breast cancer global alliance
MpBC advocates supporting our busy booth:
laura houmes
susan oran
doug pirkle
linda pirkle
maryann baysac
jim harvey sy
san antonia breast cancer symposium 2019

Our handouts:

lip glosses basket mpbcga
lip glosses mpbcga

Breakfast with the Researchers at Marriott Riverwalk Cactus Flower Resturant:  

breakfast with researchers 3
breakfast with researchers 2
breakfast with researchers 1

Scenes from our booth:  

sacbs booth
scenes from the booth
scenes from the booth 2
sophia from ciitizen
We met Sophia with Ciitizen which led to our recently launched MpBC Data Collection Project  https://www.ciitizen.com/metaplasticbc/